Monday, February 15, 2010

Project 1 Thumbnail Sketches

Ideas for Project 1 book cover design (re-design):

The new bad.

I decided to go with this piece of work instead as my book cover redesign:

Project 1. Three good. One bad.

Starting with the bad:
And now for the good:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Homework 6

1. Value is relative because its what shows up visually. It is essentially how light or dark an item appears alongside of other items or objects.

2. High contrast can allow a designer to play off of comparisons, capture attention or highlight areas of detail.

3. Darker values are often seen as having depth or being in the background where as the brighter something is, it can relate that the object is closer or draw more attention, creating an illusion of space even if it is the same size or on the same plane.

4. There is:



Size Variation


5. a visual plane

6. one point perspective has just that, one point where all the lines converge to the vanishing point. Two point perspective has two vanishing points

7. Rectilinear because the values are basically what the perspective of the human eye, what it sees naturally.

8. In composition it is appropriate to use depth in showing different sizes and distances. It should be avoided when applying or using high contrast.